Home / Is it good to buy an office chair on Amazon?

Is it good to buy an office chair on Amazon?


I bought an office chair on Amazon 

A guest blog by an anonymous contributor


Like many people, I’m working from home full time. I needed to set up a home office workstation fast so I logged onto Amazon, found a chair with great reviews and BAM! It was expected within 36 hours. 


The chair arrived in a box with instructions for assembly. I put it together in no time and started to work. The first few days took some getting used to but hey, it’s a new chair. Of course it’s not going to be perfectly comfortable out of the box. 

A chair from Amazon


After a full week of working in my chair, I noticed that my shoulders hurt. When I would go to sleep, I couldn’t get comfortable. My legs also felt stiff and tingly at times. What in the world was causing this? Yep, you guessed it. My chair.

Back Pain

I tried to tough out another 2 weeks, making adjustments and adding a pillow here and a heating pad there. In the end, the chair was relegated to the garage as an addition to my husband’s workbench.


I’m writing this guest blog to tell you that an office chair is right up there with a mattress in terms of maintaining your health. You need to be properly positioned in order for your body to work at its best. 


Do yourself a favor. When it’s time for a new chair, go somewhere that 1) allows you to try before you buy and 2) has professionals who can make informed recommendations.


A few other thoughts on buying office chairs on Amazon:


Amazon ratings are often sorted from most popular to least popular. Click the little down arrow by the reviews to sort by “Newest”. You will likely get some different perspectives.

Sorting Amazon reviews

Fast isn’t better. Fast is fast. Don’t get saddled with something because you were in a rush.


Cheap isn’t good. Cheap means you might be doing this again in a month. Not to mention you’re worth a high quality chair.


Learn your ergonomic adjustments. If you have health issues like carpal tunnel or a bad back, there are features that can help you maintain a comfortable and healthy posture.

Ergonomic High Back Mesh Chair

The proper chair might not always come in the color you want. But your wrists, arms, shoulders, back and legs should get a vote.

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