How to Buy Office Furniture In a Supply Chain Crisis

supply chain crisis

If you’ve been in the market for office furniture recently, you may have experienced some unexpected delays or inventory concerns. At the time of this blog post, we’re still in the midst of a global supply chain crisis. Purchasing teams have vastly increased their knowledge of the supply chain and how to adapt to the…

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How To Tell Cubicle Neighbors They’re Bothering You

How to tell cubicle neighbors they're bothering you

If you work in a cubicle, you’re likely to have experienced neighbors who do things that annoy you as you’re trying to work. Here are some ideas on how to tell cubicle neighbors they’re bothering you. They range from extremely polite to somewhat confrontational. The Polite Request Susan, do you have a moment to speak…

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Tips to Stay Fit After Returning to the Office

tips for staying fit at work

Now that COVID-19 is over, many of us are returning to the office — either full time or on a hybrid schedule. While it’s great to see colleagues again, this change in scenery can cause you to slide back into a routine that maybe wasn’t as healthy the one you’d developed while working from home.…

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Direct Report Dynamics – 8 Things Bosses Love to Hear

Things Bosses Love to Hear

  This blog covers 8 things bosses love to hear. These are ideas for strategic and sincere statements you can make that will showcase your professionalism and positive attitude. #1: Is there anything else you need before I head out for the day? This is a strong question because it demonstrates your willingness to help…

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Am I experiencing pain from my office chair?

pain from my office chai

If you are experiencing pain from my office chair, you may be able to make some adjustments that will help. Here are a few ideas for possible ways to reduce or eliminate discomfort. Lower Back Pain from Office Chair Lower back pain can indicate the need for lumbar support. If your chair has this feature,…

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What are the rules for working in cubicles?

cubicle rules

Ah, the age-old question – what are the rules for working in cubicles? If you think about it, cubicles are the society of the workplace. Like the houses on a street, cubibicles contain people … people with different likes, dislikes, personalities, habits and much more. When people polulate an area in dense fashion, there are…

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Get More Productive in 2022

Productive Employee

Are you hoping to get more productive at work in 2022? Is working smarter on your list of New Year’s resolutions? Here are some tips for how to make your time in the office really count. Make a Plan Begin each workday with a list of the top tasks you need to complete that day.…

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What’s an appropriate gift to give my boss?

Christmas Present for Your Boss

The gift-giving season is upon us and one of the most challenging people to buy for can be your boss. You want to give them something that will make a good impression but isn’t too expensive or outlandish. Here are some general rules to follow when shopping for your boss. It shouldn’t be anything that…

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Activities for Thanksgiving at the Office

Thanksgiving at the office

You spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week with your colleagues. In a way, you are all a family – and families celebrate together. What are some good ideas for activities for Thanksgiving at the office? Well, we’ve  gathered a few tried and true ideas  in hopes of inspiring a meaningful event that’s…

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