Considerations When Buying Office Cubicles
Office Cubicle Buying Guide
Are you in early stages of buying office cubicles for your Colorado business? We’re here to help. We believe that an informed buyer makes the best decisions so here are the things you need to consider when planning to buy cubicles near you. Here are the primary things to consider when you begin the process.
Cubicle Footprint
What size do you need for each employee? Standard cubicles are the prototype. They are partially enclosed workspaces with a desk. They also can include filing and storage systems. These cubicles some in various sizes, with the most common being 6’ x 6’, 6’ x 8’, and 8’ x 8’.
Are you seating a call center team? Telemarketing cubicles create a workspace with a smaller, more intimate footprint. This enables them to be placed into small or irregular spaces. Telemarketing cubicles typically run in these sizes: 4’ x 2’, 5’ x 2’ and 5’ x 5.
Type of Cubicle
The main types of cubicles include: benching, freestanding walls, and modular. Modular cubicles are the most common. They include a desk attached to pre-fabricated walls. They can be custom configured into groups, rows, corners and more. Freestanding cubicles have walls that can be moved to wrap around existing desks. These provide flexibility because they can be moved without dismantling the desk. Benching refers to a setup where a long table desk is used by several workers with dividers or walls between them.
Modular Walls
Free Standing
Cubicle Features
Set your employee up for success by providing the add-ons needed to efficiently and safely perform their duties. Most cubicles can include one or more of the following: overhead storage cabinet, locking overhead bin, shelving, under desk filing cabinet, bookcase, and acrylic divider. Some of these additional components can even serve a dual purpose. For example, we offer a mobile filing cabinet with a cushion top that is used by some as a place for a colleague to sit briefly during a discussion.

Wall Height of Cubicles
Simply put, this is how tall you want the walls of your cubicle to be. While there are a slight variations, the options are: low, medium, high, and high-low. Low walls enable employees to see one another. Medium walls provide seated privacy. High walls give the employee standing privacy.
Finally, high-low is a combination of two or more of these.
Materials to Choose From When Buying Office Cubicles
When it comes to wall material, the primary choices are fabric panels, glass top and acrylic top. In addition, there are some options that include laminate walls, which can be wiped off.
Number & Configuration of Cubicles
The first thing we need to know when buying office cubicles is how many units your project calls for and if you plan to seat any employees in groupings. We welcome all orders, from one cubicle to a floor of 100 or more units.
Common configurations of office cubicles include:
Benching – a work table with each employee assigned to a certain space. Spaces are often separated by panels of dividers.
6 Pack – a grouping of connected cubicles with one wall between two groups of 3 employees.
Quad Station – a workstation that has 4 people all facing the same direction. There is usually a panel between the associates.
Double U – two u-shaped desks that share a common wall. There can be a divider between employees or it can be left open.
Dog Bone – a benching style unit in the shape of a dog bone. It can seat up to 6 people
Reception – a cubicle with a counter top on one or more sides that’s used for greeting guests or customers. These units can be built to house 1, 2, 3 or more people.
120 Degree – an L-shaped cubicle with a 120 degree component attached. The additional workspace is suited for one to one meetings with clients or colleagues.
How to Get Started with Purchasing Office Cubicles
We make buying office cubicles in Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Fort Collins and points beyond an EZ process. For starters, we can come to you! In addition, we offer a Free Site Survey. If you’d prefer to just get a ballpark price now, we have a Request a Quote form. Finally, if you’d like to see some of your options in person, we invite you to stop in our Denver Showroom – open weekdays from 9AM to 4PM. We look forward to earning your business.