Home / Ideas for Making Your Work Christmas Party Fun

Ideas for Making Your Work Christmas Party Fun

Here are a few ideas for making your company Christmas party fun. From carolers to prizes, we’ve got you covered. We created this list to provide several ideas to choose from as you design the event that’s right for your organization – in terms of both personality and budget. Without further ado …

Step & repeat photo op as people enter the party

Go all out! In addition to a custom logo backdrop, get a red carpet and VIP rope (stanchion set) here. These cool props are affordable and they add some pop to your party right off the bat.

Create a Signature Drink for Your Party

Research a unique flavor combo that looks as good as it tastes and have someone serving them to the group. Offer both regular and non-alcoholic versions. Use your company name in the drink title if possible.

Buy everyone a lottery ticket

You’ll know if anyone won big on Monday morning!

Random Prizes

Put gift cards, coupon for time off and other random prizes under seats. At the point in the party where everyone is together, tell the group to check their seat and see if they’re a lucky winner.

Christmas Party Fun prizes

Accessory Station

Spring for some festive hats and other accessories for the group and place them on a table. Not everyone will want to partake, but some will and what better way to add some fun and flair to the party than a few strategically-placed hats, scarves and other wearables.

christmas party fun

Photos With Santa

Hire a Santa and work with the venue to establish a set for the photos. If they have a couple of stuffed chairs and a Christmas tree, you’re half way home. A nice chair cover, some lights and other holiday decorations and you can create a lovely photo set from scratch. Hire a photographer or if you’re on a budget, give a team member a giftcard or perk to take the photos with an iPhone and a tripod. PRO TIP: Hire your Santa early, they “sell out” fast during the holidays. PRO TIP: Position Santa on a couch or loveseat so that people can sit next to him and stand behind him. PRO TIP: Get your company logo in the background – maybe it’s ornaments on the tree, maybe it’s a sign, or it could be on a stocking. Get creative!

christmas party photos with santa

Share Share Share Those Photos

Use a tool like Guest Pix to create a QR code that guests can use to upload their photos to a party album. Gather some of the best ones for your company social media posts.

share Christmas photos

Strolling Carrollers

Hire a group of Strolling Carolers to take over the party for a brief time. Request a few holiday favorites and allow your guests to kick back and listen or join in with their best vocal efforts. This is often a memorable surprise and a video post hit. Too much? A string quartet at your event is a dialed down way to have live music for your guests.

strolling carolers

Late Night Snack Station

If you serve a dinner and drinks, consider a late night snack station. A little something extra to fuel your guests and at the same time, provide a gathering space. The possibilties are endless for the foods – mac and cheese station, holiday pretzel station, make your own nachos, flavored popcorn station, warm cookies and milk, and many more!

Swag Bags

A great party has swag or gifts. Consider giving each of your guests a branded gift item or small collection of items. PRO TIP: Order these early so you’re prepared.

christmas party swag bag

Safety First

Make sure your guests get home safely. Offer Uber or Lyft coupon codes to all who RSVPed and have extras for those who didn’t.

We wish you and your teams a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. When it’s tme to return to work in the new year, please remember us for your office furniture needs!

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